22 November, 2017

Sexual Harassment Allegations -- It Will Get Uglier | National Review

Sexual Harassment Allegations -- It Will Get Uglier | National Review:

As much as I dislike Franken, making a gross pass at an adult woman is different than molesting a 14-year-old girl. Groping a woman’s backside is not the same thing as raping a woman. And yet Franken’s name is routinely listed alongside Moore’s and Weinstein’s. Some of this leveling is simply journalistic laziness. But a lot of it is partisan demagoguery and opportunism. Partisanship also leads to what you might call anti-leveling: people who ignore wrongdoing on “their side” even as they attack their enemies.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/453974/sexual-harassment-allegations-will-get-uglier

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