10 August, 2017

SuicideBonger comments on Trump declares national emergency on opioid abuse

SuicideBonger comments on Trump declares national emergency on opioid abuse: "As much as people want to think of the world as black and white; right and wrong, do or don't, it's much more nuanced than that. The best way I can describe it is a steady succession of bad choices over a period of time, brought on by life events. I am of the firm belief that an individual is born an addict. Your brain is just waiting for the right stimulant to manifest the addiction. For a lot of people, it's alcohol. Others, it's stimulants. The first time I tried opioids was when I was fifteen (I'm twenty-two now). In American Psycho, Brett Easton Ellis writes a line that truly defines addiction for me. He writes, "Relief washes over me like an awesome wave". When I took opiates, from the moment I first felt the effects, I knew they would ultimately be a problem.

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