18 March, 2018

notsostubby comments on Greg Ferro of packetpushers.net is quitting his CCIE. Thoughts?

notsostubby comments on Greg Ferro of packetpushers.net is quitting his CCIE. Thoughts?:

There needs to be some kind of IT Administration professional field which requires complete knowledge and understanding of a centrally administered standard body of knowledge, working standards, implementation standards, documentation standards, and culpability standards.
Certifications are not this.
Degrees and Diplomas are not this.
CIPS/ISACA are kind of in the right direction, but they aren't widely accepted. HR departments don't even know what these are, which defeats the purpose.
As someone who does good work to high standards in support of the business goals and in protection of the business, I seek recognition of that standardized level of professionalism, aptitude, and capability, which certifications do not represent.

'via Blog this'