01 February, 2018

What It’s Like to Be Rolodexed: One Candidate’s Journey Into the Reality of Political Fundraising

What It’s Like to Be Rolodexed: One Candidate’s Journey Into the Reality of Political Fundraising: "“Look, fundraising sucks. Almost anybody who runs for office who has any scruples at all will tell you that it sucks, but it is a necessary part of the business, and if you believe in yourself and believe that you can do good, and that good will help people and improve their quality of life, you do it because you want to, you do it because it’s necessary to get in a position to effectuate the change you want to effectuate. So I don’t have any sympathy for Paul. He knew going in that money was going to play a big part. He couldn’t communicate his message, he couldn’t tell people about himself and tell people about his ideas without the money to communicate,” he said.


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