Jon Stewart Cements His Legacy in ‘Daily Show’ Finale - The New York Times: "He delivered a monologue on the theme of bullshit, a word he used over and over in the span of a few minutes. He called out public officials who give names like the Patriot Act to their legislation because the Are You Scared Enough to Let Me Look at All of Your Phone Records Act would not have sold. He called out financiers and politicians and assorted others for two-facedness. It was the kind of piece Mr. Black would have screamed while frothing at the mouth. Mr. Stewart skipped the theatrics and delivered it fairly calmly, as if he wanted to make sure we knew it was not a gag.
Mr. Stewart was returning to the beginning — he was delivering a mission statement. The mere fact that it had a mission is what made “The Daily Show” stand out in the first place"