Exit Pulse | The Swamped Fox:
Perhaps it's because I'm from a solid colored state that I can afford to waffle, to entertain questions. As much as the platitudes and Facebook statuses say voting matters, statistically mine does not. I do not hold the fate of this country in my hands the way I might in Ohio or Virginia, Florida or Pennsylvania. But perhaps it's because our other rights are slowly evaporating after affronts by both sides--between Citizens United and targeted killing, just to name a few--that I feel the need to waffle at all.
I almost elected to vote outside the box. To abstain or protest. There isn't a candidate who shares my point of view (which if you want, we can talk about). But even if the system is broken, I am a part of it, and I hope and pray someday there will be leaders I can truly believe in, and then there will be change.