Been working the covid ICU for over a year now, and I'm so sick to death of all the antivaxxers arguing while sick in bed with covid that they don't have covid. I'm sick to death of being run into the ground every shift because so many nurses have quit for how horrendously we've been treated plus the rising surge of the unvaccinated coming in with covid. I'm angry for the immunocompromised who come into my unit with covid because these ignorant assholes won't step up to help protect them. I'm tired of being screamed at by countless family members about how useless masks are and no they won't wear one and I can't make them. I'm done with the constant yell-in-my-face attitude these family members have about every single intervention I try to do in order to save their loved one. I'm tired of the burnt out doctors taking their rage out on me because they've had it and their compassion for their patients is being scrounged from the bottom of an empty barrel. I'm sick of every preventable death that occurs and the mental toll it takes to pick myself back up and fight for the next patient. If healthcare workers had a dollar for every time we've had to say "I'm so sorry for your loss", we could fund a cash incentive for the antivaxxers to get the damn shot already.
I'm so tired.