10 February, 2019

Space levity from Apollo 10

05 13 29 44 CDR Oh - Who did it?
05 13 29 _6 CMP Who did what? 
05.13 29 47 LMP What? 
05 13 29 4_ CDR Who did it? (Laughter)
05 13 29 51 LMP Where did that come from? 
05 13 29 52 CDR Give me a napkin quick. There's a turd floating through the air. 
05 13 29 55 CMP I didn't do it. It ain't one of mine. 
05 13 29 57 LMP I don't think it's one of mine. 
05 13 29 59 CDR Mine was a little more sticky than that. Throw that away. 
05 13 30 06 CMP God almighty. 
05 lB 30 08 SC (Laughter)