28 July, 2017

Pardonme23 comments on A teacher says his middle school students believe the Earth is flat because basketball star Kyrie Irving said so. He says he can't convince them otherwise.

Pardonme23 comments on A teacher says his middle school students believe the Earth is flat because basketball star Kyrie Irving said so. He says he can't convince them otherwise.: "bro the worst thing you can say is "vaccines don't cause autism". I'll tell you why. People are pretty dumb. They respond best to emotionally charged words, which are often words that they can imagine in their head. As long as two images are in their head, no matter if they're not related or caused by each other, people will naturally relate the two as connected. In the sentence I put in quotes, the only two words that can be imagined are vaccines and autism. Therefore you're letting people form a connection between the two because you just implanted those two images in their head. Instead, I say we should say stuff like "SHOTS ARE SAFE. SHOTS ARE SAFE. SHOTS ARE SAFE."

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