I am told that earlier this year Atal was found shot dead in a ditch. He had, against orders I'm sure, left to go to his family or something, when the taliban finally caught up to him. I think he must have put up a hell of a fight because I can't imagine they would be so gracious as to kill him that quickly- one gunshot to the chest. Knowing him, i bet he did some damage. he was a tough son of a bitch.
I dunno, I'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense but there's so much to describe and it's hard to put in words. I feel like we don't do nearly enough to help out the Iraqis and Afghans who supported us while we were over there, if anyone deserved citizenship and a good home and education, it was him. Atal was a good man and a good human being. He was one of the only afghans that I believe was immune to corruption and truly wanted what was best for his people, not just himself. He was the sort of person that Afghanistan needed to prosper instead of fester. I will remember him for the rest of my life.
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