Sandcrabsailor comments on YSK That because of fireworks, the 4th of July (in the US) can be stressful for many pets and also cause many of them to escape from their homes: "The frustrating part is the logical realization that there is no threat, it's just people having a good time. There is no actual reason to have any reaction, but you can't help it. That loss of self control in a career long study in control flies against all of your training and instinct no matter what you do. If you react reflexively, your front brain rebels. If you react logically, your mid/hind brain rebels. No matter what you do it's a combination of severe cognitive dissonance and massive doses of unspent adrenaline. Picture it like trying to pose for a painting after downing a 4 pack of red bulls and a handful of Hydroxycut. Nothing works together.
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