The Price of Failure and Rise of Extremism: How Democrats Blew It�|�Jeff Schweitzer:
McConnell's Republican army in the Senate has led more filibusters
than any previous Congress in our nation's history, attempting to
thwart any progress on a gleeful spree of "no." This is the McConnell
who made obstruction his publicly announced number one goal
when Obama was elected to his first term. But now McConnell wants to
say yes, to have you vote for him because he is the one to rid us of the
scourge of the gridlock he created. Give him a majority and voila he
will make sure gridlock is a distant memory. This means of course that
he expects the newly-made minority to simply go along with his agenda;
you know, like he went along with the Democrats when they had the
majority. Sigh. It is enough to make one's head explode.