api comments on Walmart proving once again that they are the worst company in the world.: Wal Mart is really a product of the mid-American conservative business culture from which it came -- and is still headquartered. That business culture is all about... well... thrift. You make everything as cheap as you can: wages, supplies, operations, and so on, and you do volume. You go for areas like commodity retail and you dominate them and do lots and lots of volume.
It's the complete opposite of the bicoastal business culture of places like New York, Massachusetts, and California. That business culture is about leverage and growth. You pay high salaries, spend a lot on technology, and you do margin. You go for areas like high tech or finance where the margins are high, do equity plays, etc. Think Silicon Valley and Manhattan-- "profit, not thrift, is the engine of business" as John Maynard Keynes said.