The_Real_Opie comments on Soldier saved by bullet proof glass. (x-post /r/combatfootage): You get used to anything.
There were a few months back in 2006 where I got shot at so much I wouldn't even bother to crouch down unless it sounded particularly accurate that day.
One guy had a routine with my team. Every day we'd have to drive by this old storage building. We called it the banana factory. I don't think there's a reason for that. Anyway, this dude would shoot at us, every day. Only three of four rounds, but he'd always give it a go. He wasn't a very good shot, he never hit anyone, but we could never find him either. Eventually we gave up even trying, when our section rolled by, the gunners would just raise a middle finger salute, the Banana Factory Sniper would do his thing and earn his fifty bucks or whatever, we'd wave, and then everyone got on with their day.
War is weird.