How Obama Prepares for the Grueling State of the Union - The Daily Beast:
Along with a few championship games and award shows, the State of the
Union is one of the few annual events that tens of millions of
Americans still watch together, as a country. For a brief moment, we get
to witness our system of government as the proud, democratic
institution it was meant to be, not the sad, partisan spectacle it has
too often become. Elected officials of both parties gather in one
chamber, and (minus Joe Wilson) treat each other with civility, respect,
and even warmth. Republicans will line up early to pose for pictures
with President Obama, just as Democrats would reach over their
colleagues to shake hands with President Bush. Sure, there are many
times during the speech where one party applauds and the other does not.
But there are many more times when both parties stand to cheer their
president’s words: about our troops or our veterans; our children or our
workers; our shared love of this country and its special, indispensible
place in the world.