The Anders Behring Breivik Norway Massacre Story: Newsmakers: GQ: When the sun went down, H�kon was in a boat not far from shore. Divers were in the lake, searching the depths for bodies that might have been drowned, and H�kon was providing security. It was very quiet. H�kon could hear waves licking at the sides of the boat, and then, from the island, he could hear something else: a chorus of chirping and buzzing and snippets of pop songs. In the darkness, he saw tiny lights flickering on, then off, then on again, like fireflies. There were hundreds of them, scattered along the Lovers' Trail and on the lawn below the cafeteria and in the tent field and where the bodies lay. Mobile phones lighting and ringing and nobody answering.
"There was nothing you could do," H�kon said. "You just had to wait until they ran out of electricity."