The Anders Behring Breivik Norway Massacre Story: Newsmakers: GQ: He senses other kids around him, also moving in a slow half-crouch. In the middle distance, he sees a girl coming out of the showers. She's wearing gray sweatpants and a gray sweatshirt with auf stenciled on it. Apparently she did not hear the bangs or the screaming while she was in the showers, because she is walking calmly along the path toward the man with the guns.
The distance between them closes. She is only a few feet from the man when she stops, tenses. It looks to Adrian like she senses something is wrong, like she wants to run.
The man raises his right hand. He shoots her in the head.
The girl crumples to the ground.
Adrian thinks it looks nothing like it does when someone gets shot in the movies.
The man stands over her, fires once more. Her body jerks.
Adrian runs.