Ashley's Tiny Crumbs ~ setting some things straight: In Which I Feel Compelled to Start a Blog Because of a Club and aUnicorn...: I was in a mixed-orientation marriage- a marriage between someone who is gay and someone who is heterosexual. I would venture a guess, an educated one at that, that spouses of mixed-orientation marriages understand homosexuality better than any other 'category' of people, besides homosexuals themselves. Why do I say this? Because the marriage relationship is meant to be a sexual one.
Now, let me give you a few seconds to absorb that.
Why do I need to share my experience with you?
Because it’s okay. It’s okay to talk about homosexuality and how it affects us.
Because there are homosexuals, Mormon or not, who don't know that it's okay. It's okay to be gay. It’s okay that you are attracted to people of the same gender that you are. You didn’t ask for this. And it’s okay.