The first piece of advice: Consider government service.
I know from my own experience how rewarding a career in government service can be. I spent 10 years as a prosecutor in the U.S. Department of Justice. In that job, I had the opportunity to work alongside talented and dedicated lawyers and agents to serve the mission of the Department, first by prosecuting violent crimes, and later by investigating corruption by federal, state, and local officials. I went into work every day knowing that my job was to serve justice, to do what was right to the best of my ability.
You will have similar opportunities. Now more than ever, our country and the world need talented, dedicated, hardworking public servants. Federal, state and local governments are facing unprecedented challenges. Whatever your chosen field — law, medicine, science, education, business — you can help. For some of you, the chance to serve in government may present itself in the natural course of your career. For others, you may have to look a little harder to find it. Either way, government service will allow you to serve a greater good and to help make your community a better place.
And this brings me to my second piece of advice. When you do find the right opportunity to work in government, remember why you took the job in the first place.