03 March, 2019

The Rise of Fake Sexperts

We have professional licensure laws in our country (and in most others around the world) to protect the public. Just because you call yourself a dentist, or a plumber, or a psychiatrist, doesn’t mean you have the skills to perform these sophisticated jobs safely, and effectively. Sendler had an apparent focus on working with sexual minorities such as persons with rare paraphilic disorders, with transgender people, with victims of sexual assault (he allegedly visited hospitals to offer clinical support to rape victims), to traumatized veterans, and to persons struggling with self-harm and suicidalideation. These are marginalized individuals and conditions, and represent incredibly vulnerable populations. The best clinicians and researchers in the world are constantly debating about the most effective ways to treat these issues. But Sendler appeared to have all the answers. Or, at least he said he did. Which led me to the recommendations I made, on how we can screen out quacks like Sendler in the future. None of these are foolproof. Sendler did manage to present at IASR in 2017. But these are at least a start