05 December, 2015

therealhuthaifa comments on San Bernardino shooting: Attacker pledged allegiance to ISIS, officials say

therealhuthaifa comments on San Bernardino shooting: Attacker pledged allegiance to ISIS, officials say: "
Muslim here. One of the injured victims of the ‪shooting was a Muslim social worker who was active at the Riverside Mosque. She was shot multiple times by Farook, who knew her, but thankfully survived. But that'll be ignored as the magnifying glass is going to be focused solely on American Muslims now. You might not want to hear this, but the ones who end up suffering the most from these kind of radical attacks, after the victims and their families of course, are everyday American Muslims like me who just want to live our life normally.
We didn't create ISIS. We didn't create the circumstances that gave birth to ISIS. We're just stuck in the middle where both sides of the argument are pointing to us and saying, "You're not a real Muslim".

A year ago, a man walked up to my mother who was with my two younger sisters at Subway and said, "You people should be beheaded." You think I want this? You think I want to live in a world where I'm at one end of the country and my mother and siblings are at the other end receiving death threats from someone who gets all his information off of Fox and CNN?"

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