This is a very plain blog with quotes from and links to articles I found interesting, thought-provoking, or relevant to the times. Linking is neither endorsement nor condemnation. Run by
13 January, 2015
wisequote comments on This is Charlie Hebdo's first cover since the attack
wisequote comments on This is Charlie Hebdo's first cover since the attack: Islam today carries this extremely strong "honor" overtone because it was born in one of the most tribal societies on Earth, and although it was a marvelous rebellion against many horrid tribal virtues once prevalent, it still inherited from the culture and like most pagan-to-Abrahamic conversions, it still had to cater to local tastes and thus punishments were often extreme: cutting hand of the thief made much more sense than the once common "kill him and rape his family and take his daughter as a slave", and to stone a woman and a man to their death for adultery was a way to defuse the "honor" anger and avoid the once extremely savage and common tribal wars. When Islam first arrived, it was a systematic solution to many of the huge issues back then, but it is evident today that even backward Muslims view such punishments as extremes let alone the moderates. Just like we will view capital punishment as extreme one day when we will have brain-reset solutions, humanity advances but religion makes it damn hard to let go and Islam is very good at that.