10 July, 2021

Even the Defenses of Anti-CRT Speech Codes Show the Problems With Anti-CRT Speech Codes


I can’t say that I know Cameron Hilditch, but he penned a lengthy endorsement of anti-CRT laws that nonetheless contained this rather amusing line: “It’s true that the laws in question could have been drafted better, but it is better to have them on the statute book than to have none whatsoever.”

Finally, Dan McLaughlin weighed in again, this time pointing readers to my friend Greg Lukianoff’s outstanding, extended discussion of the topic. Dan repeats Greg’s warning “that poorly-drafted laws can end up banning the teaching of things that the legislators never intended to ban, and can lead to confusion and discord at the school level.”

I think my point is clear at this point. The defenses of anti-CRT laws are time and again running aground on the rocky shoals of ... the actual anti-CRT laws.